Thursday, January 24, 2008

Skin Within

One of my absolute FAV designers, Moanasyrene Boucher (best known for her incredibly detailed gowns and party frocks), has recently come out with a Skin line! These skins are so glam, and so out there gorgeous! I'm not a "blog by submission" blogger, I blog what I ACTUALLY like, and these skins are IT! I have to admit...I bought the Green eyeshadow one without even trying it on and thank god it looked absolutely fantastic. Oh, and did you notice the ever so subtle bit of lace above the right eye? How Nylon (the mag, not the sl store, peeps) is that! If you're a bit more adventurous, theres also a few skins with even more lace...kind of a bit Phantom of The Opera. Très Stella. So of course I had to go to Osaka and play a little outside Numery Mart, in Moana's very luxurious Temptation gown. I often like to go slumming in my very finest.

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